Sunday, August 8, 2010

First week of school- check!
Wow, what a difference a school makes. Both Zachary and Tobias are navigating well. The daily onslaught of tantrums has given way....perhaps because they are just too tired.

I get up at 5:45 AM. They are woken up at 6:15. We are dressed, fed and in the car by 7 AM!
I feel good if I haven't forgotten a shoe, a backpack or a child! We drop Alex at work and then head off to the other side of the river. This section of town is called " Morumbi".
In addition to the American School, the Albert Einstein Hospital ( yep that is where I am going to get my brain transplant), and the Governor's mansion, it also home to Sao Paulo's largest Favela (=ghetto).
I am told I should NOT walk anywhere.

In Tobias' class there are 18 children. A leap from last year's 7 children and 2 teachers. He vowed he would NOT talk to girls this year.
I guess talking is not necessary for a trio of trouble makers- he two partners in crime are Emily and Natasa.

Zachary is still focused on a little bi-lingual boy from Brooklyn named Joshua.
There are 13 children in his class and 2 teachers. They say 3 more children are coming sometime this semester.

Both classes use Montessori as a teaching model.

They don’t ask to watch tv because they know what I’ll say. And since there is a tv on EVERYWHERE we go, they can get their fill just going to the super market with me.
I finally convinced the hotel to give me the remote control for one of the tvs in the breakfast room and so now there is a tv free side, and a brain numbing side. The problem is they can’t understand why in the world I wouldn’t want the kids to watch cartoon at 6:30 Am! I am looked on as a strict ( = mean) mother deproving my children of joy.

Imagine that!

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