Thursday, July 29, 2010

hot tired eyes

We are in a down space.
The rush - a fever filled hound had us in it's grip for the last 2 week- find an apartment! buy the appliances! find beds! what!: 45 days to delivery?!
dishes! linens! tables and chairs!
every day a new location and new people. everyday a new round of price negotiations and 1000 details to finalize for every single purchase- and I can't remember what the apartment looks like any more.
the boys are FRIED! find a park.......find a park... find a park...please don't let it rain.....
buy a soccer ball, then: careful! don't bounce it down the sidewalk- don't let it into traffic- and it isn't the cars I'm worried about- it is the kamma kazzie traffic weaving motorcycles- out of no where- one zooms up and almost takes Tobias' head off! STAY ON THE SIDEWALK!!! DON'T EVEN LEAN OVER THE CURB!!! I am squatting on the sidewalk at his level holding him tight...
....screaming at your children is frowned upon-
I think: so is scraping your dead children off the street.

we are in a more quiet space now. noodles and carrots for dinner in our room.
cooking on two hot burners out of a closet kitchen doesn't leave much room for complicated meals. that is ok by me.
i can't really plan much anyway. I even forgot to buy pepper for the scrambled eggs. oh well....
my eyes are hot and burning.
I am tired. It is winter here in Sao Paulo, and the air is dry. the pollution is high.

But this is only week 3 of our South American Adventure- young, green, and swimming up stream.
At least the swimming is accompanied by smiles, and gestures that say, " No worries! You're Welcome!"

Leaning over the 15th floor balcony is daunting. So much happening below.
It all looks normal.

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